User Validation

<aside> 👤 User Validation for Requirements


Requirement Response Justification Insights
R1: Patients need to be educated on how to manage the condition effectively. This includes understanding the importance of medication adherence, healthy eating habits, physical activity, and stress management. Accepted Most of them accepted the requirement They mentioned that they are very busy to research and know or understand their condition.
They think that knowing what their condition is very essential, especially in emergency situations but they don’t have to time to do so.
R2: Patients with type 2 diabetes need regular medical check-ups and consultations to monitor their condition and ensure appropriate treatment. Accepted Most of them accepted the requirement They mentioned that their condition requires ongoing management.
They mentioned that regular medical care can prevent or detect complications early.
R3: Patients need emotional and mental support to manage the emotional impact of the condition. Accepted Most of them accepted the requirement and weren’t confident that they can manage the condition effectively They mentioned that their are too many changes they have to make in their lifestyle which leaves a emotional impact on them.
R4: The financial burden of managing diabetes can be high, and patients need financial support to afford medication, testing supplies, and other medical expenses. Rejected Most of them were financially stable and can afford the treatment They think this could help others who actually struggle with financial burden
R5: Access to healthy food options is crucial for managing diabetes effectively. Patients and caregivers need to have access to healthy and affordable food options. Accepted Most of them accepted the requirement and were unaware of healthy diet charts They mentioned that getting some kind of incentive or treat by the end of the day motivated them to follow through their routine.
R6: The patients need to be motivated to lead a healthy lifestyle. Accepted Most of them accepted the requirement and they lack constant motivation to manage their diabetes They mentioned that though they feel motivated by their condition there are still times when they don’t want to do anything but due to their condition they are forced to.

<aside> 👤 User Validation for Concepts


User Response Justification Insights
Prasana K
43 yrs old
Accountant Accepted Helps the user with regular check ups and keep them motivated The user liked the concept very much and also mentioned how resourceful it would be. But also mention that it was a bit difficult to visualize on how it works.
Sreedevi D C
38 yrs old
Teacher Accepted Helps the user cut down on medical expenditure The user liked the concept especially for the discounts and offers part.
Srinivas Gowda
40 yrs old
Software engineer Accepted Helps the user to learn about his condition The user was excited to learn about his condition through different source and was happy to see that they can cut down on expenditure but said that having recipes for the diet plan given would be very helpful.
Pragathi M
35 yrs old
Software engineer Accepted Helps the user stay motivated. The user was excited to see that they can connect to counsellor and get to have personalized diet plans and advices.
Mohan Kumar
37 yrs old
Cab driver Doubtful The user was doubtful to use the application. The user like the concept but wasn't sure if he would use it and said that he couldn't visualize it.
Vijay R
41 yrs old
Insurance manager Accepted and rejected Wasn't of much help to the user but though would be very resourceful. The user mentioned like the concept and also mention on how resourceful it is. But mentioned that as a person who likes to lead a healthy lifestyle the concept didn't help him much.

Brainstorming for each Requirement

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